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Brilliant Skin & Laser Studio

Skincare through Life

My clients' ages and experiences span across the decades and seasons of life. From the first consultation, I get to hear about where they’ve been and where they would like to be with their skin. As they share about their skin, I get an additional window into their life story, lazy days exploring rivers or touring the world on a yacht far before anyone had even heard of SPF. Or sometimes it can be emotional and vulnerable – confidence turned to embarrassment from a skin or hormonal condition that leaves scars. But just about every story starts with, “Once upon a time, my skin was one way, but now it is different.” 

Nearly all my clients come in a season of transition.

Child to teen. Young adult to mother. New health diagnosis or navigating menopause. All these milestones affect our skin, and our job at Brilliant Skin & Laser is to help navigate those changes in a way that keeps it functioning and looking healthy. 

Every journey is different, but there are some experiences that we can all expect along the way.

Milestone #1: Child to First Signs of Puberty

  • Cellular turnover and skin function are at their fastest! 

  • Keep the skin barrier healthy by avoiding strong ingredients or abrasive exfoliants. 

  • Skincare routine should include a Gentle Cleanser & SPF Daily.

  • Pro-tip: Get the most anti-aging and skin health benefits by choosing SPF with antioxidants like Vitamin E or C. 

Milestone #2: Puberty – Early 20’s

  • Hormones start kicking in and may cause new sensitivities and changes in oil production. Cellular turnover is still fast, so chemical exfoliants (like retinols) should be used with caution. The biggest mistake most teens make is using too many products with active ingredients to try to fix acne or correct oiliness. 

  • At the first signs of acne, choose one product with Salicylic Acid or Benzoyl Peroxide to add to your routine. These products may cause some dryness, so you may also need to add a moisturizer. 

  • Skincare routines from this point forward should always include a Gentle Cleaner, Moisturizer, and SPF daily.

  • Pro-tip: If adding one over the counter product for 4-6 weeks doesn’t effectively address the acne or other skin concerns, it’s time to see a professional. It is always easier to intervene early! 

Milestone #3: Mid-30’s to Mid-40’s

  • Cellular turnover slows down, and many clients experience skin changes with pregnancy, medications, environmental stressors, or other health factors. Nearly all clients start experiencing more dryness and need to be more intentional with moisturizer. 

  • This is a good time to consider adding specific products that will encourage good cellular turnover and feed the skin nutrients. One well-selected anti-aging product can be sufficient to keep your skin functioning well! 

  • An ideal skin-maintenance plan would incorporate one or two advanced treatments to keep cells active and the skin glowing. If you keep your skin in good shape, you don’t have to work so hard to re-train it later!

  • Pro-tip: Now is a great time to consider adding an Eye Cream! 

Milestone #4: Mid-40’s – 50’s

  • Cellular turnover is half the speed it used to be. Most women are facing significant hormonal changes that can cause dryness, speed up aging, thin the skin, and increase sensitivity. Most men are realizing they may need to up their skincare game! 

  • A good skincare routine, daily SPF and healthy lifestyle will be most beneficial in aging gracefully. This is a great time to add in a Retinol or Anti-aging Serum. There are many safe options for sensitive or dry skin types! Ask a professional if you need some guidance!

  • You can keep your skin healthy and fresh with anti-aging treatments twice a year. There are many effective options to work with budget and lifestyle – mild chemical peels to robust laser treatments. Healthy skin starts from the deeper layers where we can stimulate new tissue growth and activate cellular production.

  • Pro-tip: Hyaluronic Acid holds water to the skin and can be added to any skincare routine for extra hydration.

Milestone #5: 60’s+

  • Aging gracefully is a continuation of the same foundation in all the other seasons. 90% is what you do at home – a healthy lifestyle and good skincare! 

  • Many clients need to increase moisturization and be more intentional with anti-aging selection to keep their complexion even. This is a great time to talk to a professional to choose an appropriate product for your skin! 

  • The skin will continue to thin at a faster rate, which can contribute to the development of fine lines and wrinkles. This is where treatments like laser or microneedling can provide extra encouragement for skin to build new cells and stay strong. We usually recommend at least two treatments per year in this season of life. 

  • Skincare routine should include a robust moisturizer and anti-aging serum. 

  • Pro-tip: If age spots start popping up, talk to a professional about preventative topicals to encourage an even complexion. 

If you find yourself at a crossroads or wanting a local tour guide to the best options for you, we are here to give directions! Schedule a consultation and we will map out a plan for your skin, goals, and season of life.

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