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Brilliant Skin & Laser Studio

Why Nominate a Brilliant Face?

The Brilliant Face campaign was inspired by the foundational beliefs of our studio. At Brilliant Skin & Laser we believe beauty is individual and unique. We believe that real connection is built on authenticity. We believe that partnering with our clients and community can bring out the best in all of us. Our Brilliant Face Campaign was designed to celebrate all these things.

We believe that the most beautiful things are individual and unique.

Every morning from my back porch I can see vibrant sunrises. Just when I think I’ve seen the most beautiful sunrise that could ever exist, another one is breathtaking. If I insisted every sunrise thereafter was less beautiful because it was different than the first, I’d miss out on the beauty of a sunrise for the rest of my life.

Our culture is on a downward spiral in its views of beauty. Wind-blown hair and flushed cheeks from the exhilaration of life have been replaced with meticulous make up application to mirror an airbrushed celebrity. The minute we start to grade beauty based on flawless make-up, narrow noses, face shapes, or perfect almond eyes we have lost the ability to see real beauty.  

At Brilliant, we celebrate beautiful things. We believe that beauty is natural, intrinsic, and individual. We want our Brilliant Faces to be represent the real people we serve every day.

We believe that real connection is built on authenticity.

I’m an extroverted introvert. In day-to-day life that means that I can find comfortable conversation with just about anyone, but I’m also a deep thinker and observant. So, I meet a lot of people – and I often reflect on those faces and conversations. I’ve concluded repeatedly that every face is a window to a whole person. The subtle expressions of our faces communicate our personalities, the depth of our interests, confidence in our skills, our goals and dreams, our sense of humor. During these conversations, the value of the whole person deepens and grows with each expression that comes across their face. Their features highlight the best of who they are.

However, here’s what I see in my sidebar ads and pops-ups:

-         Use this filter to make yourself more beautiful.

-         Use this facial contouring to look like someone else.

-         Use this make up to cover what you don’t like about yourself.

When we try to re-make ourselves or cover who we are, it hinders the ability to connect and display our unique value to others. When we confidently display the best of who we are with authenticity, we reap the benefits of deeper relationships and individual worth within our community.

Our goal is to partner with our clients in a way that brings out their best, builds their confidence, and highlights their natural beauty with authenticity.

We believe that partnering with our clients and community can bring out the best in all of us.

Every skincare journey comes with a story. As we partner with clients to maximize skin health and correct skin concerns, we get to know them as people. Every client brings new stories, goals, and experiences to our door, which in turn gives us an ever-growing tapestry of our community.

A community works best when we all contribute what we can to make it better. We want to show off the best of Coos County by honoring the people who make it an incredible place to live – whether it’s a small business owner, a 4H student, a non-profit volunteer, or a mom doing her best to raise her kids.

We established Brilliant Skin & Laser Studio in Coos Bay because we truly love living here. We want to honor the real faces we serve every day in a way that allows us to give back. What better way than using real clients to represent our work and our community?

The Brilliant Face Campaign has truly been a joy. We have loved reading all the nominations that have highlighted hardworking, kind individuals who bring so much value to our community. And I hope every nominee has been encouraged to be recognized!

Thank you for letting us partner with you – in skin, in life, and in community. We can’t wait to celebrate our next Brilliant Face!


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